Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obesity and High Fructose Corn syrup

I'm posting this article by Dr. Mercola who is well known health guru about the adverse effects of sugar and primarily high fructose corn syrup in the american diet and how it effects obesity. Skip the video at the top and just read the article below. I think a few particularily interesting points are that high fructose corn syrup is metabolized in the liver the same way alcohol is because it is hepatoxin and essentially poison to the body and that baby formula has nearly as much or more high fructose corn syrup as a can a soda. Read this complete article here: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/01/26/Sugar-May-Be-Bad-But-This-Sweetener-Is-Far-More-Deadly-Part-2.aspx

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